class Gm2dLayout

This layout causes all components that reside within a container to be positioned at the same depth, which is a certain distance (the depth differential) from their container.


Public Methods

[more] Gm2dLayout ()
Standard constructor
[more]virtual void apply (vector<GmDrawable*>* components)
Applies the layout to the container.
[more]float getComponentDepth ()
Gets the component depth differential.
[more]void setComponentDepth (float cdd)
Sets the component depth differential.
[more]void setContainerDimensions (GlmPoint3* position, float& width, float& height, float& depth)
Associates the container's position and dimensions with this layout manager.
[more]virtual ~Gm2dLayout ()
Virtual destructor

Inherited from GmLayoutManager:

Public Methods

ofloat getBottomInset()
ofloat getLeftInset()
ofloat getRightInset()
ofloat getTopInset()
ovoid setGlContainerDimensions(GlmPoint3& glPosition, float &glWidth, float& glHeight, float& glDepth)
ovoid setInsets(float left, float right, float top, float bottom)

Protected Fields

ofloat mBottomInset
ofloat* mCDepth
ofloat* mCGlDepth
ofloat* mCGlHeight
oGlmPoint3* mCGlPosition
ofloat* mCGlWidth
ofloat* mCHeight
oGlmPoint3* mCPosition
ofloat* mCWidth
ofloat mLeftInset
ofloat mRightInset
ofloat mTopInset


This layout causes all components that reside within a container to be positioned at the same depth, which is a certain distance (the depth differential) from their container. All components are top level, such that the container is in the background and they are in the foreground.
o Gm2dLayout()
Standard constructor

ovirtual ~Gm2dLayout()
Virtual destructor

ovirtual void apply(vector<GmDrawable*>* components)
Applies the layout to the container. All components will be positioned according to the layout design. This function must be implemented by inheriting layout classes.

components - the vector of components in the container

ovoid setContainerDimensions(GlmPoint3* position, float& width, float& height, float& depth)
Associates the container's position and dimensions with this layout manager. Association is used so that layout managers do not have to be updated if container positions or dimensions change.

position - the starting position of the constraint volume
width - the width of the constraint volume
height - the height of the constraint volume

ovoid setComponentDepth(float cdd)
Sets the component depth differential.

the - component depth differential to use

ofloat getComponentDepth()
Gets the component depth differential.

the component depth differential

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