Table of Contents
- Gm2dLayout This layout causes all components that reside within a container to be positioned at the same depth, which is a certain distance (the depth differential) from their container.
- GmAnimatedWidget The animated widget class encapsulates all animation behavior for glam components
- GmAnimation The animation class encapsulates a set of animation segments and provides complex translation, rotation and scaling movements for visual glam components
- GmAnimationEventHandler The animation event handler handles all animation events that occurr throughout the lifetime of an animation
- GmAnimationSegment An animation segment defines a set of motions (translation, rotation and scale) that occur over a certain period of time.
- GmBarMeter A class to represent the bar form of a meter.
- GmBoundingBox Class description
- GmButton Class description
- GmCheckBox A checkbox class.
- GmContainer Class description
- GmDecorator Class description
- GmDialog The GmDialog is a container that represents a dialog with the user.
- GmDrawable The GmDrawable class is the base class for all render-able objects.
- GmEvent The GmEvent class encapsulates all possible events that can be delivered to components in glam.
- GmEventDistributor This class handles all user event distribution.
- GmExpandableListItem Encapsulates the functionality of a list item in a viewable/selectable list.
- GmFileCache Class Description
- GmFocusEventHandler The focus event handler handles all focus events that occur on particular interactive widgets
- GmFontManager The GmFontManager singleton class handles all font management for the application.
- GmGraphicButton Class description
- GmHighlight Class description
- GmHyperlink Class description
- GmIcon Class description
- GmIconBar This icon bar can hold any number of push buttons.
- GmInteractiveWidget The interactive widget class is the base class for all widgets that will interact with the user
- GmKeyEventHandler The key event handler handles all key events that occur on particular interactive widgets
- GmLabel The label widget is used to display a text string as part of the interface.
- GmLayoutManager Class description
- GmListBox This icon bar can hold any number of push buttons.
- GmListItem Encapsulates the functionality of a list item in a viewable/selectable list.
- GmMenu The menu class defines the functionality of all menu objects such as pop-ups and pull-downs.
- GmMenuBar The menu bar contains a group of menu widgets and can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
- GmMenuItem The menu item
- GmMeter A base class to represent a meter, something which measures a position within a defined range
- GmMouseEventHandler The mouse event handler handles all mouse events that occur on particular interactive widgets
- GmObject The base class for all GLAM object is the GmObject class.
- GmOptions The GmOptions class controls all GLAM options available to the user.
- GmPanel Class description
- GmPixmapButton Class description
- GmPixmapIcon Class description
- GmPopupMenu Class description
- GmProgressDialog Class description
- GmPushButton Class description
- GmRadioButton A radio button class.
- GmRadioButtonGroup Class description
- GmRangeWidget A class to handle floating point bounded ranges
- GmRotation Class description
- GmScale Class description
- GmScrollableListBox This widget is capable of holding multiple widgets inside it.
- GmScrollbar A scrollbar.
- GmSlider Class description
- GmSliderButton A slider button.
- GmSpinBox Class description
- GmSvgIcon Class description
- GmTabbedPanel Class description
- GmTable Class description
- GmTargetReticle Class description
- GmTextArea A TextArea displays more than one line of text and adheres to the given text justification and size constraints
- GmTextField Class description
- GmTextWidget A GmTextWidget object is used to display text to the screen in some form or another.
- GmToolTip The tool tip class is used by most interactive widgets to display more information on what the interactive widget does
- GmTransform The base class for all animation primitives in GLAM.
- GmTranslation The GmTranslation animation construct handles all object translation and can be handled to make a particular animatable item follow a pre-determined, or even real-time calculated parametric path
- GmTypes The GmTypes class is an empty class that is used to encapsulate all the various types that GLAM uses internally and externally.
- GmUserEventHandler The user event handler handles all user events that occur on particular interactive widgets
- GmViewport This icon bar can hold any number of push buttons.
- GmWidgetEventHandler The user event handler handles all user events that occur on particular interactive widgets
- Gm2dLayout::Gm2dLayout Standard constructor
- Gm2dLayout::apply Applies the layout to the container.
- Gm2dLayout::getComponentDepth Gets the component depth differential.
- Gm2dLayout::setComponentDepth Sets the component depth differential.
- Gm2dLayout::setContainerDimensions Associates the container's position and dimensions with this layout manager.
- Gm2dLayout::~Gm2dLayout Virtual destructor
- GmAnimatedWidget::GmAnimatedWidget Standard constructor
- GmAnimatedWidget::animationFinished This is a callback that is called whenever an animation completes running.
- GmAnimatedWidget::applyAnimationTransforms Applies all animation transforms for the current component based on the current animation that is active
- GmAnimatedWidget::setEventAnimation Sets the animation to use for a particular animation type.
- GmAnimatedWidget::~GmAnimatedWidget Standard destructor
- GmAnimation::GmAnimation Standard constructor.
- GmAnimation::addSegment Adds an animation segment to the end of the animation.
- GmAnimation::applyAnimationTransforms Applies all animation motions associated with this animation
- GmAnimation::getLength Gets the total temporal length of this animation in seconds.
- GmAnimation::isFinished The current state of animation playback can be determined by calling this method.
- GmAnimation::recalculateAnimLength Recalculates the length of the animation as well as several internal variables that are used for housekeeping
- GmAnimation::registerAnimHandler Registers an animation event handler with this animation.
- GmAnimation::startAnimation Starts running this animation using the current time as the starting time.
- GmAnimation::unregisterAnimHandler Unregisters an animation event handler from this animation.
- GmAnimation::~GmAnimation Standard destructor
- GmAnimationEventHandler::GmAnimationEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmAnimationEventHandler::animationFinished This method is called whenever an animation is finished.
- GmAnimationEventHandler::~GmAnimationEventHandler Standard destructor
- GmAnimationSegment::GmAnimationSegment Standard constructor
- GmAnimationSegment::applyAnimationTransforms Applies all translation, scaling and rotation associated with this animation segment at the given time period.
- GmAnimationSegment::getLength Gets the temporal length of the animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::getRotation Gets the rotation motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::getScale Gets the scaling motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::getTranslation Gets the translation motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::setLength Sets the temporal length of the animation segment in seconds.
- GmAnimationSegment::setRotation Sets the rotation motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::setScale Sets the scaling motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::setTranslation Sets the translation motion for this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::~GmAnimationSegment Standard destructor
- GmBarMeter::GmBarMeter Standard constructor
- GmBarMeter::getBarColor Gets the bar color of the object.
- GmBarMeter::render2d Renders this meter to a 2D image buffer.
- GmBarMeter::render2dSelect Renders this meter to a selection buffer.
- setBarColor:
- GmBarMeter::~GmBarMeter Virtual destructor
- GmBoundingBox::GmBoundingBox Standard constructor
- GmBoundingBox::~GmBoundingBox Standard destructor
- GmButton::GmButton Standard constructor
- GmButton::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmButton::getBorderWidth Gets the width of the border around the button.
- GmButton::getState Gets the state of the button.
- GmButton::getText Gets the text that is currently associated with this widget
- GmButton::getTextColor Gets the text color that is currently assigned to the text.
- GmButton::getTextJustification Gets the type of justification for the text in this widget.
- GmButton::getTextPointSize Gets the size of the text in points.
- GmButton::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmButton::mouseReleaseEvent Event processing function to process a mouse release event.
- GmButton::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- GmButton::setBorderWidth Sets the width of the border around the button.
- GmButton::setCoordType Sets the coordinate type for this object.
- GmButton::setDepth Sets the depth of the drawable object in units.
- GmButton::setHeight Sets the height of the drawable object in units.
- setPosition:
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmButton::setState Sets the state of the button.
- GmButton::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- setTextColor:
- GmButton::setTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical text justification for the widget text.
- GmButton::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmButton::setVisible Sets the visibility of the drawable object.
- GmButton::setWidth Sets the width of the drawable object in units.
- GmButton::~GmButton Virtual destructor
- GmCheckBox::GmCheckBox Standard constructor
- GmCheckBox::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmCheckBox::getSelected Return the selected state of this checkbox.
- GmCheckBox::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmCheckBox::mouseReleaseEvent Event processing function to process a mouse release event.
- GmCheckBox::render2d Renders this button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmCheckBox::render2dSelect Renders this button to a selection buffer.
- GmCheckBox::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- setBaseColor:
- GmCheckBox::setCheckColor Sets the check color of the checkbox.
- GmCheckBox::setDepth Sets the depth of the drawable object in units.
- GmCheckBox::setHeight Sets the height of the drawable object in units.
- setPosition:
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmCheckBox::setSelected Set the selected state of this checkbox.
- GmCheckBox::setWidth Sets the width of the drawable object in units.
- GmCheckBox::~GmCheckBox Standard destructor
- GmContainer::GmContainer Standard constructor
- GmContainer::addComponent Adds a drawable component to the container.
- applyLayout:
- GmContainer::findComponent Given an (x,y) world coordinate, this attempts to find a contained component at that location.
- GmContainer::getLayout Gets this container's associated layout manager.
- GmContainer::render2d Renders this container and all of its sub-components to a 2D image buffer.
- GmContainer::render2dSelect Renders this container and all of its sub-components to a selection buffer.
- GmContainer::setLayout Sets this container's associated layout manager.
- GmContainer::~GmContainer Virtual destructor
- GmDecorator::GmDecorator Default constructor
- GmDecorator::~GmDecorator Virtual destructor
- GmDialog::GmDialog Standard constructor
- GmDialog::getTitleText Gets the title text that is currently associated with this dialog.
- GmDialog::getTitleTextColor Gets the color that is currently assigned to the title text.
- GmDialog::getTitleTextJustification Gets the type of justification for the title text of the dialog
- GmDialog::getTitleTextPointSize Gets the size of the title text in points.
- GmDialog::getTitlebarColor Gets the color of the dailog's titlebar.
- GmDialog::setTitleText Sets the title text of this dialog to the given text.
- setTitleTextColor:
- GmDialog::setTitleTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical title text justification for the dialog.
- GmDialog::setTitleTextPointSize Sets the point size of the title text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmDialog::setTitlebarColor Sets the color of the dialog's titlebar.
- GmDialog::~GmDialog Virtual destructor
- GmDrawable::GmDrawable Standard constructor
- GmDrawable::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmDrawable::getBaseColor Gets the base color of the object.
- GmDrawable::getCoordType Gets the coordinate type for this object.
- GmDrawable::getDepth Gets the depth of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getDisplayListGenerate Gets the flag which informs the render functions that their display list needs to be generated.
- GmDrawable::getDisplayListId Gets the current displaylist id for the object.
- GmDrawable::getGlDepth Gets the OpenGL depth of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getGlExtents Gets the ideal extents of the drawable in OpenGL units.
- GmDrawable::getGlHeight Gets the OpenGL height of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getGlPosition Gets the OpenGL position of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getGlWidth Gets the OpenGL width of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getHeight Gets the height of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getMinimumGeometry Get the minimum dimensions of this drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getPosition Gets the position of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getVisible Gets the visibility status of this drawable object.
- GmDrawable::getWidth Gets the width of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::render Renders the current drawable given the rendering options.
- GmDrawable::render2d Renders this drawable to a 2D image buffer.
- GmDrawable::render2dSelect Renders this drawable to a selection buffer.
- GmDrawable::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- setBaseColor:
- GmDrawable::setCoordType Sets the coordinate type for this object.
- GmDrawable::setDepth Sets the depth of the drawable object in units.
- GmDrawable::setDisplayListGenerate Sets the flag which informs the render functions that their display list needs to be generated.
- GmDrawable::setDisplayListId Sets the displaylist id for this component.
- GmDrawable::setHeight Sets the height of the drawable object in units.
- setPosition:
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmDrawable::setVisible Sets the visibility of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::setWidth Sets the width of the drawable object in units.
- GmDrawable::~GmDrawable Standard destructor
- GmEvent::GmEvent Standard constructor
- GmEvent::freePayload This method frees the memory associated with the event payload.
- GmEvent::getBasicData Gets the data associated with any event.
- GmEvent::getFocusData Gets the data associated with a focus event.
- GmEvent::getKeyData Gets the data associated with a keyboard event.
- GmEvent::getMouseData Gets the data associated with a mouse event.
- GmEvent::getType Gets the type of this event.
- GmEvent::getUserData Gets the data associated with a user-defined event.
- GmEvent::getWidgetData Gets the data associated with a widget event.
- GmEvent::setFocusEvent Sets this event as a focus event and fills in all the necessary information about the event.
- GmEvent::setKeyEvent Sets this event as a keyboard event and fills in all the necessary information about the event.
- GmEvent::setMouseEvent Sets this event as a mouse event and fills in all the necessary information about the event.
- GmEvent::~GmEvent Virtual destructor
- GmEventDistributor::GmEventDistributor Protected constructor
- GmEventDistributor::distributeEvent Description
- GmEventDistributor::getInstance Description
- GmEventDistributor::registerWidget Description
- GmEventDistributor::unregisterWidget Description
- GmEventDistributor::~GmEventDistributor Virtual destructor
- GmExpandableListItem::GmExpandableListItem Standard constructor
- GmExpandableListItem::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmExpandableListItem::getGlExtents Gets the ideal extents of the drawable in OpenGL units.
- GmExpandableListItem::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmExpandableListItem::render2d Renders this menu item to a 2D image buffer.
- GmExpandableListItem::render2dSelect Renders this menu item to a selection buffer.
- GmExpandableListItem::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- GmExpandableListItem::setComponentsGeometry Sets the contained components geometry
- GmExpandableListItem::setExpandedWidget Sets which widget we should draw in the expanded state
- GmExpandableListItem::setUnexpandedWidget Sets which widget we should draw in the unexpanded and expanded state
- GmExpandableListItem::~GmExpandableListItem Virtual destructor
- GmFileCache::GmFileCache Protected constructor
- GmFileCache::fetchTexture Returns id of specified texture
- flushTexture:
- GmFileCache::flushTextures Removes all textures from cache
- GmFileCache::getInstance Returns pointer to this singelton object
- GmFileCache::~GmFileCache Virtual destructor
- GmFocusEventHandler::GmFocusEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmFocusEventHandler::focusGained This method is called whenever a focus press event happens on the target widget.
- GmFocusEventHandler::focusLost This method is called whenever a focus release event happens on the target widget.
- GmFocusEventHandler::~GmFocusEventHandler Standard destructor
- GmFontManager::GmFontManager Protected constructor for singleton class
- GmFontManager::getFontFace Gets a font face given a specific font filename
- GmFontManager::getInstance Gets the instance of the font manager
- GmFontManager::~GmFontManager Virtual protected destructor for singleton class
- GmGraphicButton::GmGraphicButton Standard constructor
- GmGraphicButton::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmGraphicButton::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmGraphicButton::mouseReleaseEvent Event processing function to process a mouse release event.
- GmGraphicButton::render2d Renders this button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmGraphicButton::render2dSelect Renders this button to a selection buffer.
- GmGraphicButton::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- GmGraphicButton::setIconGeometry Sets the geometry of the pressed and unpressed icons
- GmGraphicButton::setPressedIconFile Pure virtual method that loads the pressed graphic file into the icon.
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmGraphicButton::setUnpressedIconFile Pure virtual method that loads the unpressed graphic file into the icon.
- GmGraphicButton::~GmGraphicButton Virtual destructor
- GmHighlight::GmHighlight Standard constructor
- GmHighlight::getHighlightType Description
- GmHighlight::setHighlightType Description
- GmHighlight::~GmHighlight Virtual destructor
- GmHyperlink::GmHyperlink Standard constructor
- GmHyperlink::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmHyperlink::getText Gets the text that is currently associated with this widget
- GmHyperlink::getTextColor Gets the text color that is currently assigned to the text.
- GmHyperlink::getTextJustification Gets the type of justification for the text in this widget.
- GmHyperlink::getTextPointSize Gets the size of the text in points.
- GmHyperlink::render2d Renders this button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmHyperlink::render2dSelect Renders this button to a selection buffer.
- GmHyperlink::setAbsoluteGeometry Sets the absolute geometry to use for this drawable object.
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmHyperlink::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- setTextColor:
- GmHyperlink::setTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical text justification for the widget text.
- GmHyperlink::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmHyperlink::~GmHyperlink Virtual destructor
- GmIcon::GmIcon Default constructor
- GmIcon::loadFromFile Description
- GmIcon::~GmIcon Virtual destructor
- GmIconBar::GmIconBar Standard constructor
- GmIconBar::addButton Temp test function
- GmIconBar::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmIconBar::setButtonGeometry Goes through every button, setting the correct geometry based on the size of the Iconbar and the number of rows
- GmIconBar::~GmIconBar Virtual destructor
- GmInteractiveWidget::GmInteractiveWidget Standard constructor
- GmInteractiveWidget::focusGainEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::focusLoseEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::getWidgetId Gets the widget ID associated with this interactive widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::keyPressEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::keyReleaseEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mouseDragEvent Event processing function to process a mouse drag event.
- GmInteractiveWidget::mouseMoveEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mousePressEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mouseReleaseEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::render2dToolTip This is a convenience method to render a tooltip if the given tooltip pop-up time has occurred
- GmInteractiveWidget::setFocusEventHandler Sets the focus event handler for this widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::setKeyEventHandler Sets the key event handler for this widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::setMouseEventHandler Sets the mouse event handler for this widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::setToolTip Sets the widget tool tip for this interactive widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::setUserEventHandler Sets the user event handler for this widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::setWidgetEventHandler Sets the widget event handler for this widget.
- GmInteractiveWidget::userEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::wheelMoveEvent Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::~GmInteractiveWidget Virtual destructor
- GmKeyEventHandler::GmKeyEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmKeyEventHandler::keyPress This method is called whenever a key press event happens on the target widget.
- GmKeyEventHandler::keyRelease This method is called whenever a key release event happens on the target widget.
- GmKeyEventHandler::~GmKeyEventHandler Standard destructor
- GmLabel::GmLabel Standard constructor
- GmLabel::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmLabel::render2d Renders this label to a 2D image buffer.
- GmLabel::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- setTextColor:
- GmLabel::setTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical text justification for the widget text.
- GmLabel::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmLabel::~GmLabel Virtual destructor
- GmLayoutManager::GmLayoutManager Standard constructor
- GmLayoutManager::apply Applies the layout to the container.
- GmLayoutManager::getBottomInset Returns the bottom inset amount.
- GmLayoutManager::getLeftInset Returns the left inset amount.
- GmLayoutManager::getRightInset Returns the right inset amount.
- GmLayoutManager::getTopInset Returns the top inset amount.
- GmLayoutManager::setContainerDimensions Associates the container's position and dimensions with this layout manager.
- GmLayoutManager::setGlContainerDimensions Associates the container's OpenGL position and dimensions with this layout manager.
- GmLayoutManager::setInsets Sets the inset amounts.
- GmLayoutManager::~GmLayoutManager Virtual destructor
- GmListBox::GmListBox Standard constructor
- GmListBox::addComponent Adds a drawable component to the container.
- GmListBox::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- setComponentsGeometry:
- GmListBox::widgetEvent Called whenever a widget event occurs on a widget that this widget event handler has registered with.
- GmListBox::~GmListBox Virtual destructor
- GmListItem::GmListItem Standard constructor
- GmListItem::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmListItem::render2d Renders this menu item to a 2D image buffer.
- GmListItem::render2dSelect Renders this menu item to a selection buffer.
- GmListItem::~GmListItem Virtual destructor
- GmMenu::GmMenu Standard constructor
- GmMenu::addTextItem Adds a text-based menu item to the menu.
- GmMenu::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmMenu::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse press event.
- GmMenu::render2d Renders this menu to a 2D image buffer.
- GmMenu::render2dSelect Renders this menu to a selection buffer.
- GmMenu::widgetEvent Called whenever a widget event occurs on a widget that this widget event handler has registered with.
- GmMenu::~GmMenu Virtual destructor
- GmMenuBar::GmMenuBar Standard constructor
- GmMenuBar::addMenu Adds a menu to the menu bar
- GmMenuBar::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmMenuBar::render2d Renders this radio button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmMenuBar::render2dSelect Renders this menu to a selection buffer.
- GmMenuBar::widgetEvent Called whenever a widget event occurs on a widget that this widget event handler has registered with.
- GmMenuBar::~GmMenuBar Virtual destructor
- GmMenuItem::GmMenuItem Standard constructor
- GmMenuItem::~GmMenuItem Virtual destructor
- GmMeter::GmMeter Default constructor
- GmMeter::getBorderWidth Gets the width of the border around the meter.
- GmMeter::getOrientation Get the current orientation of the meter.
- GmMeter::setBorderWidth Sets the width of the border around the meter.
- GmMeter::setOrientation Set the current orientation of the meter.
- GmMeter::~GmMeter Virtual destructor
- GmMouseEventHandler::GmMouseEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmMouseEventHandler::mouseDrag This method is called whenever a mouse drag event happens on the target widget.
- GmMouseEventHandler::mouseMovement This method is called whenever a mouse movement event happens on the target widget.
- GmMouseEventHandler::mousePress This method is called whenever a mouse press event happens on the target widget.
- GmMouseEventHandler::mouseRelease This method is called whenever a mouse release event happens on the target widget.
- GmMouseEventHandler::mouseWheelMovement This method is called whenever a mouse wheel movement event happens on the target widget.
- GmMouseEventHandler::~GmMouseEventHandler Standard destructor
- GmObject::GmObject Standard constructor
- GmObject::allocateObjectId Allocates an object ID from a pool of available object IDs.
- GmObject::deallocateObjectId De-allocates an object ID from a pool of available object IDs.
- GmObject::getObjectId Gets the object ID of this GLAM object.
- GmObject::~GmObject Standard destructor
- GmOptions::GmOptions Protected constructor for singleton class
- GmOptions::getColorOption Gets a color value from the keys database.
- getInstance:
- GmOptions::getScalarOption Gets a scalar point value from the options database.
- GmOptions::getStringOption Gets a string option value from the options database.
- GmOptions::loadConfigurationFile Loads a set of configurations from a configuration file.
- GmOptions::processOptionLine This method processes a complete option line by performing strict syntax checking on it as well as identifying what sort of configuration option it is
- GmOptions::setColorOption Sets a color option in the options database.
- GmOptions::setScalarOption Sets a single scalar option in the options database.
- GmOptions::setStringOption Sets a string option in the options database.
- GmOptions::~GmOptions Virtual protected destructor for singleton class
- GmPanel::GmPanel Standard constructor
- GmPanel::render2d Renders this panel to a 2D image buffer.
- GmPanel::render2dSelect Renders this panel to a selection buffer.
- GmPanel::~GmPanel Virtual destructor
- GmPixmapButton::GmPixmapButton Standard constructor
- GmPixmapButton::setPressedIconFile Loads the pressed graphic file into the pressed icon.
- GmPixmapButton::setUnpressedIconFile Loads the unpressed graphic file into the unpressed icon.
- GmPixmapButton::~GmPixmapButton Virtual destructor
- GmPixmapIcon:
- GmPixmapIcon::loadFromFile Loads texture from specified file.
- GmPixmapIcon::render2d Renders this icon to a 2D image buffer.
- GmPixmapIcon::render2dSelect Renders this icon to a selection buffer.
- GmPixmapIcon::~GmPixmapIcon Standard destructor
- GmPopupMenu::GmPopupMenu Standard constructor
- GmPopupMenu::~GmPopupMenu Virtual destructor
- GmProgressDialog::GmProgressDialog Standard constructor
- GmProgressDialog::~GmProgressDialog Virtual destructor
- GmPushButton::GmPushButton Standard constructor
- GmPushButton::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmPushButton::render2d Renders this button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmPushButton::~GmPushButton Virtual destructor
- GmRadioButton::GmRadioButton Standard constructor
- GmRadioButton::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse release event.
- GmRadioButton::render2d Renders this radio button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmRadioButton::render2dSelect Renders this radio button to a 2D selection buffer.
- GmRadioButton::~GmRadioButton Virtual destructor
- GmRadioButtonGroup::GmRadioButtonGroup Standard constructor
- GmRadioButtonGroup::addComponent Adds a radio button component to this radio button group.
- GmRadioButtonGroup::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmRadioButtonGroup::getSelected Return a pointer to the currently selected radio button.
- GmRadioButtonGroup::render2dSelect Renders this button to a selection buffer.
- GmRadioButtonGroup::widgetEvent Called whenever a sub-component radio button is selected.
- GmRadioButtonGroup::~GmRadioButtonGroup Virtual destructor
- GmRangeWidget::GmRangeWidget Standard constructor
- GmRangeWidget::addLine Increment the current range value by a line.
- GmRangeWidget::addPage Increment the current range value by a page.
- GmRangeWidget::getCurrentPercentage Get the current percentage of the range that is occupied by the space between minimum and current values.
- GmRangeWidget::getCurrentValue Get the currently set value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::getLineStep Get the step size of a line.
- GmRangeWidget::getMaximumValue Get the ceiling value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::getMinimumValue Get the floor value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::getPageStep Get the step size of a page.
- GmRangeWidget::setCurrentPercentage Set the currently set value for the range via a percentage value.
- GmRangeWidget::setCurrentValue Set the currently set value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::setLineStep Set the step size of a line.
- GmRangeWidget::setMaximumValue Set the ceiling value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::setMinimumValue Set the floor value for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::setPageStep Set the step size of a page.
- GmRangeWidget::setRange Simultaneously set the floor and ceiling values for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::setSteps Simultaneously set the line and page step sizes for the range.
- GmRangeWidget::subtractLine Decrement the current range value by a line.
- GmRangeWidget::subtractPage Decrement the current range value by a page.
- GmRangeWidget::~GmRangeWidget Virtual destructor
- GmRotation::GmRotation Standard constructor
- GmRotation::applyTransform Applies an OpenGL rotation transformations in the X, Y, and Z axis given the percentage of the total transformation curve.
- GmRotation::setRotationSpline Description
- GmRotation::~GmRotation Standard destructor
- GmScale::GmScale Standard constructor
- GmScale::applyTransform Applies OpenGL scaling transformations in the X, Y, and Z axis given the percentage of the total transformation curve.
- GmScale::setScaleSpline Description
- GmScale::~GmScale Standard destructor
- GmScrollableListBox::GmScrollableListBox Standard constructor
- GmScrollableListBox::addComponent Adds a drawable component to the container.
- GmScrollableListBox::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmScrollableListBox::deleteScrollbars Cleans up the memory used by the scrollbars
- GmScrollableListBox::initScrollbars Sets up all the attributes of the scrollbars
- GmScrollableListBox::render2d Renders this listbox to a 2D image buffer.
- GmScrollableListBox::render2dSelect Renders this listbox to a 2D selection buffer.
- GmScrollableListBox::setScrollbarValues Determines the size of contained objects and sets the scrollbar values appropriately
- GmScrollableListBox::widgetEvent Called whenever a widget event occurs on a widget that this widget event handler has registered with.
- GmScrollableListBox::~GmScrollableListBox Virtual destructor
- GmScrollbar::GmScrollbar Standard constructor
- GmScrollbar::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmScrollbar::getBorderWidth Gets the width of the border around the scrollbar.
- GmScrollbar::getOrientation Get the current orientation of the scrollbar.
- GmScrollbar::mousePressEvent Event processing function to process a mouse release event.
- GmScrollbar::refresh Refreshes the positions of the three scrollbar components
- GmScrollbar::render2d Renders this scrollbar to a 2D image buffer.
- GmScrollbar::render2dSelect Renders this scrollbar to a 2D selection buffer.
- setBaseColor:
- GmScrollbar::setBorderWidth Sets the width of the border around the scrollbar.
- GmScrollbar::setCurrentValue Set the currently set value for the range.
- GmScrollbar::setDepth Sets the depth of the drawable object in units.
- GmScrollbar::setHeight Sets the height of the drawable object in units.
- GmScrollbar::setOrientation Set the current orientation of the scrollbar.
- GmScrollbar::setPosition Sets the position of the drawable.
- setRelativeGeometry:
- GmScrollbar::setWidth Sets the width of the drawable object in units.
- GmScrollbar::widgetEvent Called whenever a sub-component radio button is selected.
- GmScrollbar::~GmScrollbar Virtual destructor
- GmSlider::GmSlider Default constructor
- GmSlider::setOrientation
- GmSlider::~GmSlider Virtual destructor
- GmSliderButton::GmSliderButton Standard constructor
- GmSliderButton::mouseDragEvent Event processing function to process a mouse drag event.
- GmSliderButton::render2d Renders this button to a 2D image buffer.
- GmSliderButton::render2dSelect Renders this button to a selection buffer.
- GmSliderButton::~GmSliderButton Virtual destructor
- GmSpinBox::GmSpinBox Standard constructor
- GmSpinBox::getValue Description
- GmSpinBox::setValue Description
- GmSpinBox::~GmSpinBox Standard destructor
- GmSvgIcon:
- GmSvgIcon::cleanup Cleans up memory taken by this object
- GmSvgIcon::loadFromFile Loads svg from specified file.
- GmSvgIcon::render2d Renders this icon to a 2D image buffer.
- GmSvgIcon::render2dSelect Renders this icon to a selection buffer.
- GmSvgIcon::~GmSvgIcon Virtual destructor
- GmTabbedPanel::GmTabbedPanel Default constructor
- GmTabbedPanel::~GmTabbedPanel Virtual destructor
- GmTargetReticle::GmTargetReticle Standard constructor
- GmTargetReticle::setReticleIcon Description
- GmTargetReticle::~GmTargetReticle Standard destructor
- GmTextArea::GmTextArea Standard constructor
- GmTextArea::applyLayout Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
- GmTextArea::render2d Renders this label to a 2D image buffer.
- GmTextArea::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- GmTextArea::setTextColor Sets the display color of the text to the given red, green, blue and alpha values.
- GmTextArea::setTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical text justification for the widget text.
- GmTextArea::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmTextArea::splitText Splits mText on whitespace at the required line breaks and caches the results
- GmTextArea::~GmTextArea Virtual destructor
- GmTextField::GmTextField Standard constructor
- GmTextField::~GmTextField Virtual destructor
- GmTextWidget::GmTextWidget Standard constructor
- GmTextWidget::getGlExtents Gets the ideal extents of the text widget in OpenGL units.
- GmTextWidget::getOffset Gets the X and Y offset for the final drawn text.
- GmTextWidget::getText Gets the text that is currently associated with this widget
- GmTextWidget::getTextColor Gets the text color that is currently assigned to the text.
- GmTextWidget::getTextJustification Gets the type of justification for the text in this widget.
- GmTextWidget::getTextPointSize Gets the size of the text in points.
- GmTextWidget::setOffset Sets an X and Y offset for the final drawn text.
- GmTextWidget::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- setTextColor:
- GmTextWidget::setTextJustification Sets the horizontal and vertical text justification for the widget text.
- GmTextWidget::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmTextWidget::~GmTextWidget Virtual destructor
- GmToolTip::GmToolTip Standard constructor
- GmToolTip::getGlExtents Gets the ideal extents of the text widget in OpenGL units.
- GmToolTip::getText Gets the text that is currently associated with this widget
- GmToolTip::getTextColor Gets the text color that is currently assigned to the text.
- GmToolTip::getTextPointSize Gets the size of the text in points.
- GmToolTip::render2d Renders this label to a 2D image buffer.
- GmToolTip::setText Sets the text of this text widget to the given text.
- setTextColor:
- GmToolTip::setTextPointSize Sets the point size of the text, this will affect the size at which the font is rendered for the text string.
- GmToolTip::~GmToolTip Virtual destructor
- GmTransform::GmTransform Standard constructor
- GmTransform::applyTransform Applies an OpenGL transformation given the percentage of the total transformation curve.
- GmTransform::getVelocityCurve Gets the velocity curve for this transformation object.
- GmTransform::setVelocityCurve Sets the velocity curve to the given GlmPath2 object, which affects the final position of the object.
- GmTransform::~GmTransform Standard virtual destructor
- GmTranslation::GmTranslation Standard constructor
- GmTranslation::applyTransform Applies an OpenGL translation transformations in the X, Y, and Z axis given the percentage of the total transformation curve.
- GmTranslation::getTranslationSpline Gets the translation spline that is being used by this object.
- GmTranslation::setTranslationSpline Sets the translation spline to be used by this GmTranslation objectDO NOT DELETE THE GIVEN VELOCITY CURVE OBJECT, IT IS USED DIRECTLY AND WILL BE DESTROYED WHEN THIS GMTRANSFORM OBJECT IS DESTROYED.
- GmTranslation::~GmTranslation Standard destructor
- GmTypes::GmTypes Empty, protected constructor.
- GmTypes::~GmTypes Empty, protected destructor.
- GmUserEventHandler::GmUserEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmUserEventHandler::userEvent This method is called whenever a user press happens on a target widget.
- GmUserEventHandler::~GmUserEventHandler Standard destructor
- GmViewport::GmViewport Standard constructor
- GmViewport::beginClip Enables the clipping planes for this viewport
- GmViewport::endClip Disables the clipping planes for this viewport
- GmViewport::render2d Renders this listbox to a 2D image buffer.
- GmViewport::render2dSelect Renders this listbox to a 2D selection buffer.
- GmViewport::~GmViewport Virtual destructor
- GmWidgetEventHandler::GmWidgetEventHandler Standard constructor
- GmWidgetEventHandler::widgetEvent Called whenever a widget event occurs on a widget that this widget event handler has registered with.
- GmWidgetEventHandler::~GmWidgetEventHandler Standard destructor
- operator == Checks for equality between fontData structs.
- operator< Checks if font1 is less than font2.
- operator<< Stream operator to send this data to a stream.
- Gm2dLayout::mCDD The component depth differential for this layout.
- GmAnimatedWidget::mAppearAnimation The appear animation is performed when the setVisible(true) method is called upon the GLAM component
- GmAnimatedWidget::mCurrentAnimation The current animation type that is being played back
- GmAnimatedWidget::mIdleAnimation The idle animation is played whenever this GLAM component is just sitting around doing nothing
- GmAnimatedWidget::mVanishAnimation The vanish animation is performed when the setVisible(false) method is called upon the GLAM component
- GmAnimation::mAnimHandlers A set of animation event handlers that have registered themselves with this animation.
- GmAnimation::mAnimLength Total animation length in milliseconds
- GmAnimation::mAnimTimecodes Animation segment time codes for the end of each animation segment.
- GmAnimation::mAnimationType The type of animation this animation object encompasses
- GmAnimation::mSegments A set of animation segments that constitute a complete animation
- GmAnimation::mStartTime The time that this animation started playback, the value is in milliseconds since application started
- GmAnimation::mTimecodeOffset The current timecode offset, which is the current animation segment being played back.
- GmAnimationSegment::mLengthInSeconds The length in seconds of this animation segment
- GmAnimationSegment::mRotation The rotation movement associated with this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::mScale The scale changes associated with this animation segment.
- GmAnimationSegment::mTranslation The translation movement associated with this animation segment.
- GmBarMeter::mBarColor Color of the bar.
- GmBoundingBox::mFillType Description
- GmBoundingBox::mOutlineThickness Description
- GmBoundingBox::mOutlineType Description
- GmButton::mBorderWidth The width of the border around the button
- GmButton::mState The state of the button.
- GmButton::mTextWidget Some text for labeling the button
- GmCheckBox::mCheckColor The color of the check inside the checkbox
- GmCheckBox::mSelected The state, selected or unselected, of the checkbox
- GmContainer::mComponents The components that this component encapsulates
- GmContainer::mLayoutManager The associated layout manager for this container
- GmDialog::mTitleTextWidget Some text for labeling the title bar of the dialog
- GmDialog::mTitlebarColor The color of the titlebar
- GmDrawable::mBaseColor The base color of the drawable object
- GmDrawable::mCoordType The coordinate type to use CT_RELATIVE or CT_ABSOLUTE.
- GmDrawable::mDepth The physical depth of the drawable object in units.
- GmDrawable::mDisplayListGenerate A flag to inform render methods of their displaylist's state.
- GmDrawable::mDisplayListId An OpenGL-assigned displaylist id for this object.
- GmDrawable::mGlDepth The depth of this drawable in OpenGL units.
- GmDrawable::mGlHeight The height of this drawable in OpenGL units.
- GmDrawable::mGlPosition The OpenGL position of this object.
- GmDrawable::mGlWidth The width of this drawable in OpenGL units.
- GmDrawable::mHeight The physical height of the drawable object in units.
- GmDrawable::mPosition The position of the drawable object.
- GmDrawable::mVisible The visible status of the object, if true the drawable is visible and will be rendered.
- GmDrawable::mWidth The physical width of the drawable object in units.
- GmEvent:: The BasicEventType is to store information that every event must have.::rxId
- GmEvent:: The BasicEventType is to store information that every event must have.::txId
- GmEvent:: The FocusEventType is used for all focus events.::basicData
- GmEvent:: The FocusEventType is used for all focus events.::focusType
- GmEvent:: The KeyEventType is used for keyboard events.::basicData
- GmEvent:: The KeyEventType is used for keyboard events.::key
- GmEvent:: The KeyEventType is used for keyboard events.::x
- GmEvent:: The KeyEventType is used for keyboard events.::y
- GmEvent:: The MouseEventType is used for, *gasp* mouse events.::basicData
- GmEvent:: The MouseEventType is used for, *gasp* mouse events.::button
- GmEvent:: The MouseEventType is used for, *gasp* mouse events.::state
- GmEvent:: The MouseEventType is used for, *gasp* mouse events.::x
- GmEvent:: The MouseEventType is used for, *gasp* mouse events.::y
- GmEvent:: The UserEventType is used for all user-defined events.::basicData
- GmEvent:: The UserEventType is used for all user-defined events.::userEventId
- GmEvent:: The WidgetEventType is used for all widget based events.::basicData
- GmEvent:: The WidgetEventType is used for all widget based events.::messageType
- GmEvent:: The WidgetEventType is used for all widget based events.::x
- GmEvent:: The WidgetEventType is used for all widget based events.::y
- GmEvent::mPayload The payload for the event.
- GmEvent::mType The type of event that this event encapsulates.
- GmEventDistributor::mRegisteredWidgets Description
- GmExpandableListItem::mExpandState Variable indicating whether the widget is expanded or unexpanded
- GmExpandableListItem::mExpandedWidget The "content" object that is drawn in both the expanded and unexpanded states
- GmExpandableListItem::mUnexpandedWidget The "title" object that is drawn in both the expanded and unexpanded states
- GmFileCache::mTextures Map linking filenames to textures ids
- GmFontManager::mFaces The mapping of font file names to cached OGLFT font faces
- GmGraphicButton::mPressedIcon The icon to use while the button is pressed
- GmGraphicButton::mUnpressedIcon The icon to use while the button is not pressed
- GmHighlight::mHighlightType Description
- GmHyperlink::mTextColor The text color for this hyperlink
- GmHyperlink::mTextHeight The height of the text
- GmHyperlink::mTextWidget The text widget used to draw the text
- GmHyperlink::mTextWidth The width of the text
- GmIconBar::mButtons Description
- GmIconBar::mNumRows The number of rows to put the buttons in
- GmInteractiveWidget::focusEventHandler The focus event handler processes all focus events
- GmInteractiveWidget::keyEventHandler The key event handler processes all keyboard events
- GmInteractiveWidget::mFocusGainAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mFocusLoseAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mFocusState The focus state of this interactive widget
- GmInteractiveWidget::mFocusTimestamp The time at which the last focus occurred.
- GmInteractiveWidget::mKeyPressAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mKeyReleaseAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mMouseExitAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mMouseOverAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mMousePressAnim The animation that is played whenever the mouse is pressed on this interactive widget
- GmInteractiveWidget::mMouseReleaseAnim Description
- GmInteractiveWidget::mWidgetId The widget ID to use as this widget's unique identifier.
- GmInteractiveWidget::mWidgetToolTip The tooltip that is associated with this interactive widget
- GmInteractiveWidget::mouseEventHandler The mouse event handler processes all mouse events
- GmInteractiveWidget::userEventHandler The user event handler processes all user-defined events
- GmInteractiveWidget::widgetEventHandler The widget event handler processes all widget events
- GmLabel::mTextDisplayListId Holds the internal OGLFT text displaylist ID
- GmLayoutManager::mBottomInset
- GmLayoutManager::mCDepth
- GmLayoutManager::mCGlDepth
- GmLayoutManager::mCGlHeight
- GmLayoutManager::mCGlPosition
- GmLayoutManager::mCGlWidth
- GmLayoutManager::mCHeight
- GmLayoutManager::mCPosition
- GmLayoutManager::mCWidth Dimensions of the container.
- GmLayoutManager::mLeftInset
- GmLayoutManager::mRightInset
- GmLayoutManager::mTopInset
- GmMenu::mGlMenuHeight The OpenGL height of the drop-down menu
- GmMenu::mGlMenuWidth The OpenGL width of the drop-down menu
- GmMenu::mListItems The menu list item objects that are contained in this menu
- GmMenuBar::mMenus The list of menus that are part of this menu bar
- GmMeter::mBorderWidth The width of the border around the meter
- GmMeter::mOrientation The orientation of the meter.
- GmObject::mObjectId
- GmOptions::mColorOptions The database of color configuration keys and values
- GmOptions::mScalarOptions The database of scalar configuration keys and values
- GmOptions::mStringOptions The database of string configuration keys and values
- GmPixmapIcon::mPixmapData GL texture id of the texture
- GmRadioButtonGroup::mSelected The index of the selected button
- GmRangeWidget::mCurrentValue The currently set value of the range
- GmRangeWidget::mLineStep The step size of a line
- GmRangeWidget::mMaximumValue The ceiling of the range
- GmRangeWidget::mMinimumValue The floor of the range
- GmRangeWidget::mPageStep The step size of a page
- GmRotation::mRotationSpline
- GmScale::X
- GmScale::Y
- GmScale::mScaleSpline
- GmScrollableListBox::mHorzScrollbar
- GmScrollableListBox::mVertScrollbar
- GmScrollbar::mBorderWidth The width of the border around the scrollbar
- GmScrollbar::mDecrementButton A button to decrement the value of the scrollbar
- GmScrollbar::mIncrementButton A button to increment the value of the scrollbar
- GmScrollbar::mNeedRefresh Allows notification for realignment of scrollbar subcomponents.
- GmScrollbar::mOrientation The orientation of the scrollbar.
- GmScrollbar::mPositionButton A button to show the current position of scrollbar
- GmSlider::mMajorTicks Description
- GmSlider::mMinorTicks Description
- GmSlider::mOrientation Description
- GmSpinBox::mValue
- GmSvgIcon::mGlSvgRenderer The GL SVG renderer used to render the icon
- GmSvgIcon::mSugarDocument The document that stores all the svg information
- GmTabbedPanel::mPanels Description
- GmTargetReticle::mReticleIcon
- GmTextArea::mDrawDisplayLists A vector to keep track of the smaller display lists generated when fully justifying text
- GmTextArea::mSplitText A vector to hold the text of mText which has been line-broken, along with a size of whitespace to place between tokens (if the text is to be fully justified)
- GmTextArea::mSplitTextReady Indicates whether or not line-spitting of mText is complete
- GmTextArea::mSupportDisplayLists A vector to keep track of the smaller display lists generated by OGLFT when fully justifying text
- GmTextWidget::mFontFace The font face to use when rendering the text for this button
- GmTextWidget::mText The text string that this widget should display
- GmTextWidget::mTextColor The foreground color to use when drawing the text
- GmTextWidget::mTextHJustification The horizontal justification to use when drawing the text
- GmTextWidget::mTextPointSize The point size to use when drawing the text
- GmTextWidget::mTextVJustification The vertical justification to use when drawing the text
- GmTextWidget::mXOffset Allows a subclass to offset the final drawn x position
- GmTextWidget::mYOffset Allows a subclass to offset the final drawn y position
- GmToolTip::mFontFace The font face to use when rendering the text for this button
- GmToolTip::mText The text string that this widget should display
- GmToolTip::mTextColor The foreground color to use when drawing the text
- GmToolTip::mTextPointSize The point size to use when drawing the text
- GmTransform::mVelocityCurve The velocity curve affects the speed at which an object accelerates and decelerates during the course of a transform.
- GmTranslation::mTranslationSpline The translation spline evaluates what the X, Y and Z translations should be at a given percentage of the entire path travelled.
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_APPEAR The animation that plays when the visual object's setVisible(true) method is called
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_FOCUS_GAIN An animation that plays when a visual component gains the users focus.
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_FOCUS_LOOSE An animation that plays when a visual component loses the users attention.
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_IDLE A looping animation that plays when the object is not being edited/manipulated, etc
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_KEY_PRESS An animation that plays when a keyboard key is depressed while the visual component is focused
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_KEY_RELEASE An animation that plays when a previously depressed keyboard key is released while focused on a visual component
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_MOUSE_EXIT An animation that plays when the mouse leaves the visual object, for example, on a defocus event
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_MOUSE_OVER An animation that plays when the mouse moves over the visual object
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_MOUSE_PRESS An animation that plays when the mouse is pressed on a visual component
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_MOUSE_RELEASE An animation that plays when the mouse is released over a visual component
- GmTypes::AnimationType::AT_VANISH The animation that plays when the visual object's setVisible(false) method is called
- GmTypes::ButtonStateType::BS_PRESSED A button state where the button is down, or in the depressed state
- GmTypes::ButtonStateType::BS_UNPRESSED A button state where the button is up, and not depressed
- GmTypes::CoordinateType::CT_ABSOLUTE
- GmTypes::CoordinateType::CT_RELATIVE
- GmTypes::EventType::E_DEFOCUS An event triggered when the user defocuses a GLAM object on the screen.
- GmTypes::EventType::E_FOCUS An event triggered when the user focuses a GLAM object on the screen.
- GmTypes::EventType::E_KEY_PRESS An event denoting that the user has pressed a key on the keyboard
- GmTypes::EventType::E_KEY_RELEASE An event noting that the user has released a previously pressed key on the keyboard
- GmTypes::EventType::E_MOUSE_DRAG An event that denotes that the user has already pressed a button, and is now dragging the pointer across the screen with the mouse depressed
- GmTypes::EventType::E_MOUSE_MOVEMENT An event that specifies that the user does not have any mouse button depressed, but is moving the pointer around the screen
- GmTypes::EventType::E_MOUSE_PRESS An event noting that the user has pressed a mouse/pointer button
- GmTypes::EventType::E_MOUSE_RELEASE An event noting that the user has released a mouse/pointer button
- GmTypes::EventType::E_MOUSE_WHEEL An event that specifies that the user is scrolling the mouse wheel up or down
- GmTypes::EventType::E_USER A user-definable event.
- GmTypes::EventType::E_WIDGET An event triggered by a non-direct input result, events such as resize, minimization, maximization, scrolling, selection can all produce and transmit widget events
- GmTypes::ExpandStateType::ES_EXPANDED A widget state where the widget is fully expanded to show all it contains
- GmTypes::ExpandStateType::ES_UNEXPANDED A widget state where the widget only shows the things it should show in an unexpanded state
- GmTypes::FillType::FT_HASHED Used to denote a hashed, colored fill of a graphical object
- GmTypes::FillType::FT_SOLID Used to denote a solid, color fill of a graphical object
- GmTypes::FocusType::FT_DEFOCUSED Used by the FocusEventType to denote when a component was de-focused
- GmTypes::FocusType::FT_FOCUSED Used by the FocusEventType to denote when a component was focused
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_P_FILLED OGLFT filled polygonal font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_P_OUTLINE OGLFT outline polygonal font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_P_SOLID OGLFT solid polygonal font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_R_GRAYSCALE OGLFT grayscale raster font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_R_MONOCHROME OGLFT monochrome raster font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_R_TRANSLUCENT OGLFT translucent raster font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_T_GRAYSCALE OGLFT grayscale texture font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_T_MONOCHROME OGLFT monochrome texture font rendering type
- GmTypes::FontType::FT_T_TRANSLUCENT OGLFT translucent texture font rendering type
- GmTypes::GraphicButtonType::GB_DECAL
- GmTypes::GraphicButtonType::GB_GRAPHIC_ONLY
- GmTypes::HighlightType::HT_ALPHAED Denotes a alpha-valued (see-through) highlight method
- GmTypes::HighlightType::HT_SOLID Denotes a solid highlight method
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTH_CENTER
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTH_FULL
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTH_LEFT Left horizontal justification
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTH_ORIGIN
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTH_RIGHT
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTV_BASELINE
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTV_BOTTOM
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTV_MIDDLE
- GmTypes::JustificationType::JTV_TOP
- GmTypes::LineType::LT_DASHED Denotes a dashed line type
- GmTypes::LineType::LT_SOLID Denotes a solid line type
- GmTypes::OrientationType::OT_HORIZONTAL Specifies a horizontal orientation
- GmTypes::OrientationType::OT_VERTICAL Specifies a a vertical orientation
- GmTypes::RenderOptionType::RO_2D A render option stating that all rendering should be done in 2D and blitted to the image buffer
- GmTypes::RenderOptionType::RO_2D_SELECT A render option stating that all rendering should be done in 2D and blitted to the selection buffer so OpenGL picking code may post-process the rendering step and see which objects were selected
- GmTypes::RenderOptionType::RO_3D A render option stating that all rendering should be done in 3D and blitted to the image buffer
- GmTypes::RenderOptionType::RO_3D_SELECT A render option stating that all rendering should be done in 3D and blitted to the selection buffer so OpenGL picking code may post-process the rendering step and see which objects were selected
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_APPEAR Specifies that the widget has just appeared on screen, it was previously invisible
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_BUTTON_SELECTION Specifies that a button selection has occurred
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_DISAPPEAR Specifies that the widget has disappeared from the screen, it was previously visible
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_DRAG Specifies that a mouse drag on a widget has occurred
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_MAXIMIZE Specifies that a widget has been maximized in some way.
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_MENU_SELECTION Specifies that a menu selection has occurred in the widget
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_MINIMIZE Specifies that a widget has been minimized in some way.
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_RADIO_SELECTION Specifies that a radio button selection has occurred
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_RESIZE Specifies that the on-screen size of a widget has been changed
- GmTypes::WidgetMessageType::WM_SCROLL Specifies that the widget has scrolled by some amount
- ScrollWidgets::SCROLL_DECREMENT Token to identify the decrement button scrollbar widget
- ScrollWidgets::SCROLL_INCREMENT Token to identify the increment button scrollbar widget
- ScrollWidgets::SCROLL_SLIDER Token to identify the slider scrollbar widget
- fontData::fgcolor The foreground color of the font
- fontData::filename The full path to the font
- fontData::pointsize The pointsize of the font
- fontData::type The OGLFT rendering type of the font
Enums, Unions, Structs
Hierarchy of classes
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