class GmRotation

Class description


Public Methods

[more] GmRotation ()
Standard constructor
[more]virtual void applyTransform (float percentageElapsed)
Applies an OpenGL rotation transformations in the X, Y, and Z axis given the percentage of the total transformation curve.
[more]void setRotationSpline (GlmPath3* rotationSpline)
[more]virtual ~GmRotation ()
Standard destructor

Protected Fields

[more]The amount of rotation to perform over a given time interval GlmPath3* mRotationSpline

Inherited from GmTransform:

Public Methods

ovirtual GlmPath2* getVelocityCurve()
ovirtual void setVelocityCurve(GlmPath2* velocityCurve)

Protected Fields

oGlmPath2* mVelocityCurve


Class description
oThe amount of rotation to perform over a given time interval GlmPath3* mRotationSpline

o GmRotation()
Standard constructor

ovirtual ~GmRotation()
Standard destructor

ovirtual void applyTransform(float percentageElapsed)
Applies an OpenGL rotation transformations in the X, Y, and Z axis given the percentage of the total transformation curve. For example, if applyTransformation(0.5) is called, the transformation calculation is performed based on a value at 50% of the transformation and velocity curves.

percentageElapsed - the percentage elapsed of the total transformation path

ovoid setRotationSpline(GlmPath3* rotationSpline)

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