class GmInteractiveWidget |
The interactive widget class is the base class for all widgets that will interact with the user
GmFocusEventHandler* | focusEventHandler The focus event handler processes all focus events |
GmKeyEventHandler* | keyEventHandler The key event handler processes all keyboard events |
GmAnimation* | mFocusGainAnim Description |
GmAnimation* | mFocusLoseAnim Description |
GmTypes::FocusType | mFocusState The focus state of this interactive widget |
unsigned int | mFocusTimestamp The time at which the last focus occurred. |
GmAnimation* | mKeyPressAnim Description |
GmAnimation* | mKeyReleaseAnim Description |
GmAnimation* | mMouseExitAnim Description |
GmAnimation* | mMouseOverAnim Description |
GmAnimation* | mMousePressAnim The animation that is played whenever the mouse is pressed on this interactive widget |
GmAnimation* | mMouseReleaseAnim Description |
WidgetIDType | mWidgetId The widget ID to use as this widget's unique identifier. |
GmToolTip* | mWidgetToolTip The tooltip that is associated with this interactive widget |
GmMouseEventHandler* | mouseEventHandler The mouse event handler processes all mouse events |
GmUserEventHandler* | userEventHandler The user event handler processes all user-defined events |
GmWidgetEventHandler* | widgetEventHandler The widget event handler processes all widget events |
GmInteractiveWidget () Standard constructor | |
virtual void | focusGainEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | focusLoseEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual WidgetIDType | getWidgetId () Gets the widget ID associated with this interactive widget. |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | mouseDragEvent (GmEvent* event) Event processing function to process a mouse drag event. |
virtual void | mouseMoveEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | mousePressEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | setFocusEventHandler (GmFocusEventHandler* focusHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId) Sets the focus event handler for this widget. |
virtual void | setKeyEventHandler (GmKeyEventHandler* keyHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId) Sets the key event handler for this widget. |
virtual void | setMouseEventHandler (GmMouseEventHandler* mouseHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId) Sets the mouse event handler for this widget. |
virtual void | setToolTip (GmToolTip* tooltip) Sets the widget tool tip for this interactive widget. |
virtual void | setUserEventHandler (GmUserEventHandler* userHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId) Sets the user event handler for this widget. |
virtual void | setWidgetEventHandler (GmWidgetEventHandler* widgetHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId) Sets the widget event handler for this widget. |
virtual void | userEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual void | wheelMoveEvent (GmEvent* event) Description |
virtual | ~GmInteractiveWidget () Virtual destructor |
virtual void | render2dToolTip (GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions) This is a convenience method to render a tooltip if the given tooltip pop-up time has occurred |
The interactive widget class is the base class for all widgets that will interact with the user
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