class GmRadioButtonGroup

Class description


Public Methods

[more] GmRadioButtonGroup ()
Standard constructor
[more]virtual void addComponent (GmRadioButton* component, WidgetIDType widgetId)
Adds a radio button component to this radio button group.
[more]virtual void applyLayout (float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ)
Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method.
[more]virtual GmRadioButton* getSelected ()
Return a pointer to the currently selected radio button.
[more]virtual void widgetEvent (GmEvent::WidgetEventType* widgetEvent)
Called whenever a sub-component radio button is selected.
[more]virtual ~GmRadioButtonGroup ()
Virtual destructor

Protected Fields

[more]short mSelected
The index of the selected button

Protected Methods

[more]virtual void render2dSelect (GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions)
Renders this button to a selection buffer.

Inherited from GmContainer:

Public Methods

ovirtual int findComponent(float x, float y)
oGmLayoutManager* getLayout()
ovoid setLayout(GmLayoutManager* layoutManager)

Protected Fields

ovector<GmDrawable*> mComponents
oGmLayoutManager* mLayoutManager

Protected Methods

ovirtual void render2d(GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions)

Inherited from GmInteractiveWidget:

Public Fields

oGmFocusEventHandler* focusEventHandler
oGmKeyEventHandler* keyEventHandler
oGmAnimation* mFocusGainAnim
oGmAnimation* mFocusLoseAnim
oGmTypes::FocusType mFocusState
ounsigned int mFocusTimestamp
oGmAnimation* mKeyPressAnim
oGmAnimation* mKeyReleaseAnim
oGmAnimation* mMouseExitAnim
oGmAnimation* mMouseOverAnim
oGmAnimation* mMousePressAnim
oGmAnimation* mMouseReleaseAnim
oWidgetIDType mWidgetId
oGmToolTip* mWidgetToolTip
oGmMouseEventHandler* mouseEventHandler
oGmUserEventHandler* userEventHandler
oGmWidgetEventHandler* widgetEventHandler

Public Methods

ovirtual void focusGainEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void focusLoseEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual WidgetIDType getWidgetId()
ovirtual void keyPressEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void keyReleaseEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void mouseDragEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void mouseMoveEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void mousePressEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void mouseReleaseEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void setFocusEventHandler(GmFocusEventHandler* focusHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId)
ovirtual void setKeyEventHandler(GmKeyEventHandler* keyHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId)
ovirtual void setMouseEventHandler(GmMouseEventHandler* mouseHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId)
ovirtual void setToolTip(GmToolTip* tooltip)
ovirtual void setUserEventHandler(GmUserEventHandler* userHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId)
ovirtual void setWidgetEventHandler(GmWidgetEventHandler* widgetHandler, WidgetIDType widgetId)
ovirtual void userEvent(GmEvent* event)
ovirtual void wheelMoveEvent(GmEvent* event)

Protected Methods

ovirtual void render2dToolTip(GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions)

Inherited from GmAnimatedWidget:

Public Methods

ovirtual void animationFinished(GmTypes::AnimationType animationType)
ovirtual void applyAnimationTransforms()
ovirtual void setEventAnimation(GmTypes::AnimationType animType, GmAnimation* animation)

Protected Fields

oGmAnimation* mAppearAnimation
oGmTypes::AnimationType mCurrentAnimation
oGmAnimation* mIdleAnimation
oGmAnimation* mVanishAnimation

Inherited from GmDrawable:

Public Methods

ovirtual GlmColor4* getBaseColor()
ovirtual GmTypes::CoordinateType getCoordType()
ovirtual float getDepth()
ovirtual float getGlDepth()
ovirtual void getGlExtents(float& width, float& height)
ovirtual float getGlHeight()
ovirtual GlmPoint3* getGlPosition()
ovirtual float getGlWidth()
ovirtual float getHeight()
ovirtual void getMinimumGeometry(float& width, float& height, float& depth)
ovirtual GlmPoint3* getPosition()
ovirtual bool getVisible()
ovirtual float getWidth()
ovirtual void render(GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions)
ovirtual void setAbsoluteGeometry(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float depth)
ovirtual void setBaseColor(GlmColor4* color)
ovirtual void setBaseColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
ovirtual void setCoordType(GmTypes::CoordinateType coordType)
ovirtual void setDepth(float depth)
ovirtual void setHeight(float height)
ovirtual void setPosition(float x, float y, float z)
ovirtual void setPosition(GlmPoint3* point)
ovirtual void setRelativeGeometry(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float depth)
ovirtual void setRelativeGeometry(float x, float y, float width, float height)
ovirtual void setVisible(bool visible)
ovirtual void setWidth(float width)

Protected Fields

oGlmColor4 mBaseColor
oGmTypes::CoordinateType mCoordType
ofloat mDepth
obool mDisplayListGenerate
oint mDisplayListId
ofloat mGlDepth
ofloat mGlHeight
oGlmPoint3 mGlPosition
ofloat mGlWidth
ofloat mHeight
oGlmPoint3 mPosition
obool mVisible
ofloat mWidth

Protected Methods

ovirtual bool getDisplayListGenerate()
ovirtual int getDisplayListId()
ovirtual void setDisplayListGenerate(bool generate)
ovirtual void setDisplayListId(int id)

Inherited from GmObject:

Public Methods

ounsigned short getObjectId()

Protected Fields

oThe object ID is used to uniquely identify each GmObject unsigned short mObjectId

Inherited from GmAnimationEventHandler:

Inherited from GmWidgetEventHandler:


Class description
oshort mSelected
The index of the selected button

o GmRadioButtonGroup()
Standard constructor

ovirtual ~GmRadioButtonGroup()
Virtual destructor

ovirtual void addComponent(GmRadioButton* component, WidgetIDType widgetId)
Adds a radio button component to this radio button group.

component - the radio button to add to this radio button group.
widgetId - the widget ID to use when referring to the added component.

ovirtual void applyLayout(float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ)
Repositions and resizes this component based on parameters passed into the method. These parameters are usually passed in by the parent class.

minX - the starting X position of the constraint volume
minY - the starting Y position of the constraint volume
minZ - the starting Z position of the constraint volume
maxX - the ending X position of the constraint volume
maxY - the ending X position of the constraint volume
maxZ - the ending Z position of the constraint volume

ovirtual GmRadioButton* getSelected()
Return a pointer to the currently selected radio button.

a pointer to the currently selected radio button.

ovirtual void widgetEvent(GmEvent::WidgetEventType* widgetEvent)
Called whenever a sub-component radio button is selected. This method de-selects the previously selected component.

- widgetEvent the widget event, which includes all relevant user data.

ovirtual void render2dSelect(GmTypes::RenderOptionType renderOptions)
Renders this button to a selection buffer.

renderOptions - the render options to use when rendering the button.

This class has no child classes.

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